Winter challenges are coming
Today is the first of December which means that today is the start of Advent of Code. A yearly coding challenge that releases one new challenge each day during December until Christmas. This is a great opportunity to either learn a new programming language or refresh one you haven’t used in a while. I decided on the latter and refreshed my Elixir skills.
Today’s challenge involved some string operations - which comes very natural in Elixir. There were some quirks however. The sample input was the following:
The goal was to summarize the contiguous values and find the largest sum (which is 24000). This was achieved with a couple of pipes:
In.put represents the input formatted as a string. The key to split the string was to use a regex. Without it we would lose the blank lines. Now we get a list where each line is an element. Here on we can pipe the list through to List.foldl/3 and calculate the sum of contiguous values. From here on we have a new list where we need to find the highest value. It is done by piping it through another List.foldl/3 that accomplishes this.