Today at the thesis fair I talked to a super cool company called WSI. They develop custom solutions from sensor to applications, through all layers of a connected product. Anyhow, they had a competition to reverse engineer a passphrase. passphrase Here is a super fast way to get the secret code using Elixir:

iex(1)> key = [3, 46, 44, 43, 33, 30, 46, 34, 38, 30, 10, 29, 25, -9, 33, 37,35]
[3, 46, 44, 43, 33, 30, 46, 34, 38, 30, 10, 29, 25, -9, 33, 37, 35]
iex(2)> {_, code} = List.foldl(key, {0,[]}, fn(x,{i,list}) -> {i+1,[x+i+64 | list]} end)
{17, 'stoDehTgnitcennoC'}
iex(3)> Enum.reverse(code)
